Tuesday, March 15, 2011


-Play Day has been rescheduled for sometime after FCAT
-There is NO early release on March 16th
-Chick-Fil-A Night is March 22 5:30-8:00
-No school March 25-April 3 See you April 4th!
-Report cards go home April 16
-New weekly website and games have been added to this site

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Student of the Month: Lendall

Play Day

Grades K-2 will have Play Day on March 17th. Please make sure you return the tie dye t-shirt washed as soon as possible. We plan on wearing these shirts for Play Day. Your child should also wear shorts, sunscreen, and a hat (assuming the weather is nice). If anyone would like to donate Popsicles for our class to enjoy afterwards that would be a nice way to cool down. If you would like to join us we will begin at 1:00 and play until 2:20. Hope to see you there!