Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Type of Learner is Your Child?

Have you ever wondered how your child learns best? Click on the link and read this article. Then take the quiz below to find out.

Online Books

Hello Families,
Visit the link Education Place Online Books for great online reading. Follow these steps.
1. Click on the link
or find it listed under Weekly Websites
2. Type in the username (ambermcfatterclass) and password (student)
3. Click on the computer icon (online leveled books)
3. Click on your name
4. Click on My Books to see books I've chosen for you OR
5. Click on Find Books to search for books on your level (every book that appears will be in your level range)
6. Read
7. Answer the questions at the end of the text
8. How did you do?
Have Fun,
Miss McFatter