Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

School's Out for Summer

Thank you for such a fabulous year! I hope everyone is having a great start to their summer. Next year I will be teaching 3rd grade and I can't wait! Enjoy your summer and I'm sure I'll see some of you out and about.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Final Countdown

We've had a fabulous year and have a few more special events planned.

June 1-CRAB SOCCER: wear sneakers, shorts, and your tie-dye shirt

June 6-Awards Ceremony at 10:00

June 9-Class Party

June 10-Dismissal at noon

Please send in your $7.00 donation for the party


Friday, April 29, 2011

The Butterflies are Coming!

Today our first butterfly emerged from its chrysalis! It was so exciting to watch it in action. Students were amazed that it was actually a butterfly coming out when only last week it was a caterpillar crawling around in a tiny cup. When I left school today there were two more butterflies in the mesh habitat. I can't wait to see what awaits us Monday morning! Check out the new pictures and short video clips.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Play Day has been moved to Wednesday, April 27. Yes, that is TOMORROW! Please make sure your child wears sneakers, shorts, and a hat or sunglasses. We are going to show our team spirit by wearing our class tie-dye shirts. I have many of the shirts here at school but please double check to see if your child's shirt is at home. If anyone would like to donate a class set of Popsicles to enjoy after play day we would appreciate it.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Last Friday we started our science unit on the Life Cycle of a Butterfly. It was so exciting to observe our caterpillars on Day 1. This morning we noticed they have grown so much already! Each student has their own caterpillar to observe as it grows and changes. We've observed the caterpillars eating, crawling around and even "dancing"! We'll keep you updated as we learn all about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We need your help! Please complete this survey regarding the budget for next school year. Thank you so much!!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Few Reminders

Please send in FCAT buddy treats by April 12 if you are able to donate something.
Report Cards go home April 15th. Return signed by April 22.
Early Release April 20th
Thank you for sending in tissues and pencils. We are still in need of both. THANKS!

Student of the Month: CJ

Monday, April 4, 2011


We've adopted a 5th grade class to support during the FCAT. Each day we will send them a note of encouragement with a treat. If you are able to donate something from the list below please send it in no later than Friday, April 8. Thanks for your support!
Blow Pops
Rock Candy
Miniature Snickers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


-Play Day has been rescheduled for sometime after FCAT
-There is NO early release on March 16th
-Chick-Fil-A Night is March 22 5:30-8:00
-No school March 25-April 3 See you April 4th!
-Report cards go home April 16
-New weekly website and games have been added to this site

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Student of the Month: Lendall

Play Day

Grades K-2 will have Play Day on March 17th. Please make sure you return the tie dye t-shirt washed as soon as possible. We plan on wearing these shirts for Play Day. Your child should also wear shorts, sunscreen, and a hat (assuming the weather is nice). If anyone would like to donate Popsicles for our class to enjoy afterwards that would be a nice way to cool down. If you would like to join us we will begin at 1:00 and play until 2:20. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Report Writing

We're working on report writing for the next several weeks. Your children have checked out books from our school library and are using books from our classroom library. If you are able to take your child to the public library to checkout more books or print information from the links to the left it would be very helpful. Thanks!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Class Activities

We had a great 100th day of school! Thank you parents for donating items for our trail mix. You guys are awesome!

Your child should have brought home their homework yesterday with a letter about Valentine's Day. If you are able to donate an item from the list please send it in by Friday. Monday we'll exchange valentines. I can't wait to see the Valentine mailboxes everyone makes!

Have a great weekend!
Miss McFatter

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 2011

We're back in the swing of things. I hope everyone had a restful break. Can you believe today is the 85th day of school? We're almost half way through the school year and we still have so much to learn. Please continue to read with your child each night and go over their homework with them. The end of the second nine weeks in January 19th. Thank you for your support!